Business Litigation in Florida? There’s a Jury Instruction for That.

As a Miami business attorney, I can say that the majority of business litigation cases that get filed are settled before trial.  And that’s usually the best outcome for all the parties.  However, there are times when the only option is to proceed to trial.

In preparing a business litigation case for trial, a trial attorney must prepare the witnesses, file pre-trial motions and subpoena witnesses.  Perhaps the most important task is preparing jury instructions. Until recently, this involved a lot of back and forth with opposing counsel concerning the text of the instructions.

That’s why the Florida Supreme Court adopted Standard Jury Instructions for Contract and Business Cases.  These jury instructions cover a variety of areas including breach of contract, contract formation, contract interpretation, contractual damages, open account, goods sold and delivered, and contract-related affirmative defenses.

The  Court’s contract and business litigation instructions help to streamline the preparation of jury instructions for trial.

To see the Court’s business litigation jury instructions, click on over to the Florida Supreme Court website or simply review them below:

Florida Business Litigation Jury Instructions.pdf